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Privacy Policy, Terms and more

The automated legal solution you can trust
Ab 8,00 $ / Monat

Privacy Policy, Terms and more - Überblick

Save time and money
Generate a personalized privacy policy
Gain clarity
Avoid expensive legal mistakes
Clawdia is the only holistic and personalized legal tool designed to simplify the legal world for you and give you complete confidence. What does Clawdia do for you? It can help you generate a personalized Privacy Policy We have everything you Need to Know: Watch short informational videos that explain everything you need to know about the legal topic and how to avoid critical legal mistakes, just like a lawyer would explain it to you. Personalized Contract Drafting: Create tailor-made contracts, especially suited to your circumstances. Get relevant explanations for each part of the contract, so you know exactly what you are signing. Guidance Every Step of the Way: Simple, friendly, easy-to-understand explanations that guide and help you with your decision-making. One Integrated Solution: Easily manage contracts as drafts. Share, track, sign, store, and access securely from any device.
Diese App ist nur in Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika verfügbar.

4.3 Durchschnittliche Bewertung

14 Bewertungen
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Hollykelsven/ Oct 15, 2024
This is a scam to take your moneyI wrote to Clawdia to cancel my subscription in June 2024 and they continue to charge me monthly fees. Such a scam to sign up and then they don't honor my cancellation request.
Team Clawdia AI
We sincerely apologize for the confusion regarding your subscription. Your satisfaction is our top priority, and we take feedback like this very seriously. As we discussed yesterday in the chat, where we responded to...
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Compyg/ Apr 7, 2024
Great tool!Clawdia is a great tool that helps me a lot with my legal needs in my business. It easily helps me to create my legal documents and contracts, and it has tips and...
Team Clawdia AI
Hello, Thank you so much for your wonderful review! We are thrilled to hear that Clawdia has been a great help with your legal needs and that you find our tool easy to use. It's...
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Itsjulytravel/ Nov 14, 2023
User-friendly interface & incredible database of legal resources!From the moment I signed up, Clawdia's user-friendly interface made the entire process seamless. The platform boasts a clean design that is both intuitive and easy to navigate, ensuring that even those with...
Team Clawdia AI
Thank you for your fantastic review! We're thrilled to hear that Clawdia's user-friendly interface and comprehensive legal resources made your experience seamless. Your confidence in our platform means a lot to us. If...
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Radaryann/ Oct 12, 2023
I Love This App! Well Worth the Premium Plan! I Use Clawdia now for all of my business' and legal documentations before publishing my websites!
Team Clawdia AI
Thank you so much for your kind words and for choosing Clawdia for your business and legal documentation needs! I'm thrilled to hear that you love our app and find it valuable for...
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Jontaffe/ Jul 29, 2023
Nice if you don't want to integrate via automations into your workflowsI think this has a lot of potential, but it needs to be able to sync with your site's contact information. It'd be great for this to integrate with Wix's quotes and invoices...
Team Clawdia AI
Thank you for your feedback. We appreciate your suggestions for better integration with Wix's quotes and invoices, as well as smoother client onboarding. We are actively considering these enhancements to provide a more...
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Preise & Abonnements

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Personalized contract drafting
Customized knowledge base
Smart insights
Integrated management
* Preis ist in USD, abgerechnet von Clawdia AI.

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