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Smooth Scroll Pro
von VanyaDoing
Kostenloses Paket verfügbar

Smooth Scroll Pro

von VanyaDoing
Web scrolling as it should be
5.0 (1)
Kostenloses Paket verfügbar

Smooth Scroll Pro - Überblick

    Seamless Wheel Scrolling - Enhance user experience with fluid mouse wheel scrolling
    Infinite Scroll Functionality - Keep users engaged with endless content on a single page
    Customizable Scroll Settings - Tailor scroll speed and smoothness to fit your site’s theme
    Advanced Touch Smooth Scroll Settings - Offer smooth scrolling on touch devices, matching native behavior
Tired of choppy scrolling? Want to add smoothness to all your content and scroll-based animations? Smooth Scroll Pro transforms your website's navigation into an effortlessly smooth experience, elevating user engagement and satisfaction. By utilizing the a light-weight and high performance Lenis library, this app introduces a level of scrolling fluidity typically found in high-end websites, directly to your website in a few clicks. Why Smooth Scroll Pro? Elevate User Experience: Eliminate jarring jumps and starts with seamless scrolling. Scrolling with a mouse wheel your site’s content becomes as smooth as swiping through a premium app. Engage Your Audience: Infinite scroll functionality means users can enjoy your content without interruption. This feature is perfect for portfolios, blogs, e-commerce sites, and more, keeping users engaged longer. Simple Setup: You don’t need to be a coding expert to enjoy Smooth Scroll Pro. With user-friendly options, your site can be upgraded in minutes. Why Choose Smooth Scroll Pro? Because your site deserves the same smooth, responsive scrolling enjoyed by the biggest names on the web. Add app to your site today and try it yourself.
Verfügbarkeit:Diese App ist weltweit verfügbar.

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Preise & Abonnements

Premiumpaket Decaf


Wheel Smooth Scroll
Infinite Scroll
Touch Smooth Scroll
10 views/day
Premiumpaket Espresso


Wheel Smooth Scroll
Infinite Scroll
Touch Smooth Scroll
100 views/day
Premiumpaket Americano


Wheel Smooth Scroll
Infinite Scroll
Touch Smooth Scroll
1000 views/day
Premiumpaket Capuccino


Wheel Smooth Scroll
Infinite Scroll
Touch Smooth Scroll
Unlimited views/day
* Preis in USD.

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