Uploadly is your kit to add powerful upload fields to your product pages.
Let customers choose photos, images and files from their computer or mobile device.
All files are linked to the respective order and can be downloaded easily from the dashboard.
Powerful upload field for all type of files.
Let your customers upload all file types or decide which file types
your customers can upload and in which quality. You can style your upload button
to match your theme or corporate identity using the built-in button configurator.
Easy product targeting - add multiple upload fields to your product pages.
You can create unlimited upload fields and add them to specific products, collections and variants,
or automatically display them based on product or collection name.
Product Personalizer, Image Editing made easy.
Let customers edit images before submitting the image.
You can also configure predefined image crop ratios.
Make your upload field mandatory.
You can decide if your upload button should be a mandatory field or just an optional field.
With one click you can enable or disable the function.
Nutzung um Referenzbilder zu erhalten - EmpfehlungIch erstelle eine Wix Website um meine Dienste als Webdesigner anzubieten. Uploadly hilft mir dabei das Kunden Websitebeispiele der Bestellung hinzufügen können. Das macht den Bestellprozess für den Kunden meiner Dienstleistung sehr einfach...
Danke für dein Feedback!
Lasershedengraving/ Dec 2, 2024
You Need ThisI'm not tech savvy with coding nor do I want to be. I'm a bit of an app "snob" - I want an app that I can install and it just plugs in...
Team Inspon
Hey, thanks for the kind feedback :)
In case you need any help in future or facing any troubles, please get in touch with our support:
Thank you very much once again
Danke für dein Feedback!
Leoniebach/ Nov 28, 2024
Easy to use, works good!I had an onboarding with Anna and it was very easy to install and to apply to the products. I am now confident to use it for my new Onlinestore.
Team Inspon
Thank you!
Danke für dein Feedback!
Rmfsdecor/ Nov 28, 2024
Change my feedbackI come to change my feedback
I spoke to Anna and she helped with the problem
Everything is now OK.
Danke für dein Feedback!
Kira19989/ Nov 19, 2024
Migration von Wordpress zu Wix, Uploadly ist essenziell.Wir planen, von WordPress zu Wix zu wechseln, und suchten nach einer Lösung, mit der unsere Kunden ihr B2B-Zertifikat, das wir ausstellen, problemlos hochladen können, um unseren Whirlpoolfilter zu bestellen.
Mit Uploadly haben wir...
Team Inspon
Thank you Kira Pools!
In case you need any further help with Uploadly - File Upload, please let us know.
Danke für dein Feedback!
Preise & Abonnements
Diese App bietet eine kostenlose Testversion für 3 Tage an
File Upload-Paket
Uploads linked to orders
Unlimited uploads
All file types
Fast support service
* Preis ist in USD.
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