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Video Call App
von YourPSN, LLC
Ab $4.99 / Monat

Video Call App

von YourPSN, LLC
Unlimited video calls through your website
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Ab $4.99 / Monat

Video Call App - Überblick

    Receive unlimited video calls directly on your website, using just your browser
    No links, phone numbers, emails, or personal information is required on either end for video calls
    Video calls are peer-to-peer, and "e2ee" end-to-end encrypted
    Health care providers covered under HIPAA guidelines can use our video call app and maintain their compliance
Video calling directly on your website has never been easier. With Video Call by PSN’s seamlessly integrated app, visitors of your site simply click the call button to reach you with a video call on any device, with no complex links and no phone numbers to exchange. The video call window indicates whether you are ready to receive video calls, or when unavailable, displays an optional contact email address. Video Call does not route any audio or video data through our servers. All calls are peer-to-peer, which means PSNs servers never handle the data. All video calls are end-to-end encrypted, the same level of security you would have for any credit card transaction, from browser to browser. Even health care providers may use our app and maintain HIPAA compliance. We ensure that no PHI (private health information) may be intercepted by anyone other than the two individuals on the call. The Video Call app by PSN will enhance your communication with a comfortable and inviting place for visitors to interact with you. Speak face-to-face with anyone who visits your site and increase your number of interactions today. To see our video call app in use, please watch our overview video above.
Verfügbarkeit:Diese App ist weltweit verfügbar.
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Preise & Abonnements

Premiumpaket Enterprise


Unlimited Video Calls
End to end encryption
Up to 3 Operators for your site
* Preis in USD.

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