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von ShareASale
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von ShareASale
Easily add ShareASale tracking on your website
2.0 (4)
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ShareASale - Überblick

    Voted mThink's Best CPS Network 2022
    Record your affiliate sales activity within the ShareASale platform
    Find everything you need to get started and have success with affiliate marketing in one powerful app
    Use cutting-edge tracking technology and reporting suite for clear visibility and sales data you can trust
This ShareASale App is simple to activate and facilitates a direct communication and technical tracking connection with affiliate partners (also known as publishers e.g. websites, tech solutions, influencers and bloggers) that are active in the ShareASale affiliate network. With the app enabled you will be ready to manage your affiliate activity on the ShareASale platform, selecting from thousands of affiliate partners who can advertise your store, drive new customers, and increase brand exposure and provide incremental revenue growth. Affiliate marketing works on a performance model, where you pay a commission to referring partners only at the point of a confirmed purchase (typically a % of the sale value). The app is the only integration needed for your stores and brings ShareASale’s trusted tracking and technology ready to work with ShareASale affiliates. It includes voucher/coupon, product, sale, and click tracking; all of which can be viewed on the platform by logging in to your ShareASale account. To proceed, you need to have a ShareASale account. This comes with a ‘Merchant ID,’ which is required to setup the ShareASale plugin.
Verfügbarkeit:Diese App ist weltweit verfügbar.
- Premiumpaket
- Verbundene Domain

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