Wähle ein Website-Template, das zu dir passt

Alle Website-Vorlagen

  • Alle Website-Vorlagen - Reinigungsunternehmen

    Ideal für:

    Cleaning companies and maintenance services.


    This clean and inviting template design is as polished as your business. Share your services and prices while customizing your site with photos. Use the built-in Wix Bookings app to make scheduling easy and offer customers subscriptions with the Wix Pricing Plan. Click “Edit” and create a site that is as reliable as your company.

  • Alle Website-Vorlagen - Marketing-Webinar

    Ideal für:

    Virtuelle Veranstaltungen, Online-Kurse und webbasierte Vorträge


    Es ist an der Zeit, dein Wissen mit der Welt zu teilen. Dieses professionelle und lebendige Template wird sowohl bestehende als auch potenzielle Kunden für deine bevorstehende Veranstaltung begeistern. Teile dein Programm und die Biografien der Rednerinnen und Redner und schaffe neue Verbindungen mit dem integrierten Anmeldeformular und den Social-Media-Links. Mit der einfach zu bedienenden App „Wix Events“ kannst du in Sekundenschnelle Zusagen erhalten und verwalten. Worauf wartest du? Klicke auf „Bearbeiten“, um loszulegen.

  • Alle Website-Vorlagen - Landingpage im Aufbau

    Ideal für:

    Startups, tech companies and businesses


    Are you about to launch a new site for your business? This sleek yet simple landing page is an ideal way to connect with future partners and customers. The built-in subscribe form allows you to easily collect their email addresses so you can announce your launch and send updates. Click “Edit” to get started.

  • Alle Website-Vorlagen - Schönheitssalon für Bräute

    Ideal für:

    Salons, hairdressers and spas


    A beauty business needs a truly stunning site. Put your best face forward with this elegant template and share what makes your services special. Use our built-in ProGallery app to show off photos of your work, and invite potential clients to contact you through your site. Click "Edit" to start creating something beautiful today.

  • Alle Website-Vorlagen - Geschenkeladen

    Ideal für:

    Home decor shops, accessory stores and gift boutiques


    You sell unique items that can't be found anywhere else, and this bright, artsy template is the perfect way to showcase them online. The built-in Wix Stores app invites customers to explore and shop products in just a few clicks, while the subscribe form makes sure they never miss out on what's new. Give yourself the gift of great sales — start creating your online store today.

  • Alle Website-Vorlagen - Geburtstagseinladung

    Ideal für:

    Parties, events and celebrations


    Get the party started with this disco-themed template. Invite people to RSVP to your celebration, and easily manage your guest list with the built-in Wix Events app. Give your site a personal touch by adding images and videos with the ProGallery app. Click "Edit" to start creating a site for your upcoming event.

  • Alle Website-Vorlagen - Landingpage im Aufbau

    Ideal für:

    Businesses, professionals and website designers


    This coming soon template is truly a game changer when it comes to promoting the upcoming launch of your site. The neon colors build a feeling of excitement, while the built-in subscribe form and social links keep future site visitors engaged. What are you waiting for? Click "Edit" to get started.

  • Alle Website-Vorlagen - Café

    Ideal für:

    Cafes, coffee shops, roasteries and subscription services


    This tasteful template embodies the perfect blend of warmth and sophistication. Build an online presence for your business and easily sell your products through the built-in Wix Stores app. Click "Edit" to start designing your site.

  • Alle Website-Vorlagen - Landingpage im Aufbau

    Ideal für:

    Small businesses, creative professionals and website designers


    Are you counting the seconds until your website goes live? Build anticipation with this vivid, glowing landing page. Display the exact time left until launch with our Countdown Clock app, and let visitors subscribe for email updates. Click "Edit" to get started.

  • Alle Website-Vorlagen - Landingpage im Aufbau

    Ideal für:

    Businesses, professionals and website designers


    Grab the attention of potential customers or clients with this sleek, modern template that celebrates what's to come. The engaging design, complete with a built-in countdown and a subscribe form, has everything you need to build buzz around your launch. Click "Edit" to start making this design your own.

  • Alle Website-Vorlagen - Shop für Wohnaccessoires

    Ideal für:

    Eco-friendly stores and home product retailers 


    A clean, balanced design makes this template a natural choice for online stores. Easily sell products with the integrated Wix Stores app, and watch your newsletter distribution list grow with the built-in subscription form. Be sure to connect your Instagram account for extra engagement. Ready to begin? Click "Edit" to start building your site.

  • Alle Website-Vorlagen - Landingpage im Aufbau

    Ideal für:

    Businesses, professionals and website designers


    Take a fun, youthful approach to your upcoming website launch with this coming soon template. The video background and animations add a playful touch, while the built-in subscribe form and social links encourage site visitors to stay in the know about what's to come. Click "Edit" to make it your own.